Bennett D J with Leseure M (2024) "Adopting the Materiality Principle in Sustainable Operations Management", Sustainability. Vol 16, No 15 (article 6572), 18 pp.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S, Alamino R and Brem A (2023) "An Introduction to Product Essentiality: Conceptualisation and Measurement", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management (published online 18 pp)
Bennett D J with Driouchi T, Chen M, Lyu J and So R (2022) "Ambiguity, Managerial Ability and Growth Options", British Journal of Management, Vol 33, No 3, pp 1123-1660.
Bennett D J with Julkovski D J, Sehnem S and Leseure M (2021) "Ecological Modernization Theory (EMT): Antecedents and Successors", Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management Vol 5, No2, pp 324–338.
Bennett D J with Gao Y and Driouchi T (2018) "Ambiguity Aversion in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Contingent-Claims and Social Network Explanation", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 200, pp 50-67.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S, Alamino R and Shaw D (2016) "Modelling Sustainability Performance to Achieve Absolute Reductions in Socio-ecological Systems", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 132, pp 32-44.
Bennett D J with Soosay C, Nunes B T S, Sohal A, Jabar J and Winroth M (2016) "Strategies for Sustaining Manufacturing Competitiveness: Comparative Case Studies in Australia and Sweden", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 27, No 1, pp 6-37.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S and Shaw D (2016) "Green Operations Strategy of a Luxury Car Manufacturer", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management , Vol 28, No 1, pp 24-39.
Bennett D J (2015) "Os Projetos de Aquisição na Indústria Automotiva - Casos Volvo-Geely e Fiat-Tritec" (Acquisition Projects in the Automotive Industry - The Cases of Volvo-Geely and Fiat-Tritec), Revista MundoPM-Project Management, Vol 11, No 63, pp 36-41 (Published in Portuguese).
Bennett D J with Theodorakopoulos N and Sanchez Preciado D J (2014) "Intermediation for Technology Diffusion and User Innovation in a Developing Rural Economy: A Social Learning Perspective", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Vol 26, Nos 7-8, pp 645-662.
Bennett D J with Theodorakopoulos N, McGowan C, Kakabadse N and Figueira C (2014) "Diversifying into Technical Clothing Manufacture as Entrepreneurial Learning: A Situated Learning Theory Perspective", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 25, No 5, pp 676-693.
Bennett D J (2014) "Future Challenges for Manufacturing", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 25, No 1, pp 2-6.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S and Marques S (2014) "Sustainable Agricultural Production: An Investigation in Brazilian Semi-Arid Livestock Farms", Journal of Cleaner Production,Vol 64, No 1, pp 414-425.
Bennett D J (2013) "Tutorial on How to Publish in a Refereed Journal", Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, Vol 8, No 1, pp 1-65.
Bennett D J with Chen W S (2013) "Gaining Social Values of Wireless Technology: An Interpretive Case Study in the Healthcare Institutional Context", International Journal of Information Management, Vol 33, No 5, pp 802-809.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S and Shaw D (2013) "8 Steps for Managing Green Innovation in the Automotive Industry", The European Financial Review, June-July, pp 3-6.
Bennett D J (2013) "Tracking the Trends in Manufacturing Technology Management", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 24, No 1, pp 5-8.
Bennett D J with Theodorakopoulos N and Sanchez Preciado D J (2012) "Transferring Technology from University to Rural Industry within a Developing Country Context: The Case for Nurturing Communities of Practice”, Technovation, Vol 32, Nos 9/10, pp 550–559.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T (2012) "Real Options in Management and Organisational Strategy: A Review of Decision-Making and Performance Implications", International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol 14, No 1, pp 39–62.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T (2011) "Real Options in Multinational Decision-Making: Managerial Awareness and Risk Implications", Journal of World Business, Vol 46, No 2, pp 205–219.
Bennett D J with Chen W S (2010) "When Cost-Efficient Technologies Meet Politics: A Case Study of Radical Wireless Network Implementation", Communications of the IBIMA, Vol 2010, ID119470, 12 pp.
Bennett D J with Chen W S (2010) "Managing Wireless Networks in the Healthcare Sector: Emerging Experiences of Cultural Impacts", Journal of e-Health Management, Vol 2010, ID500498, 11 pp.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S (2010) "Green Operations Initiatives in the Automotive Industry: An Environmental Reports Analysis and Benchmarking Study", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol 17, No 3, pp 396-420.
Bennett D J with Dey P K and Clegg B T (2010) "Managing Enterprise Resource Planning Projects”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol 16, No 2, pp 282-296.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T and Simpson G A (2010) "A Path Dependent Contingent-Claims Approach to Capacity Investments", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 201, No1, pp 319-323.
Bennett D J with Abd Rahman A (2009) "Advanced Manufacturing Technology Adoption in Developing Countries: The Role of Buyer-Supplier Relationships", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 20, No 8, pp 1099-1118.
Bennett D J with Leseure M and Hurreeram D (2009) "Playing Catch-up with China: Challenges and Strategies for Smaller Developing Countries", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol 21, No 5, pp 617-637.
Bennett D J with Dey P K, Ho W and Albores P (2009) "Technology and Business Integration", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol 21, No 5,
pp 583-586.
Bennett D J with Abd Rahman A and Brookes N (2009) "The Precursors and Impacts of BSR on AMT Acquisition and Implementation", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol 56, No 2, pp 285-297.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T and Leseure M (2009) "A Robustness Framework for Monitoring Real Options Under Uncertainty", OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, Vol 37, No 3, pp 698-710.
Bennett D J with Abd Rahman A and Sohal A (2009) "Transaction Attributes and Buyer-Supplier Relationships in AMT Acquisition and Implementation: The Case of Malaysia", International Journal of Production Research, Vol 47, No 9, pp 2257–2278.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S (2008) "The Contribution of Modularity to Green Operations Practices", Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 5, No 2, pp 93-108.
Bennett D J with Jain V and Benyoucef L (2008) "Emerging Issues in Management of Networked Manufacturing Enterprises", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 19, No 4, pp 425-429.
Bennett D J with Vaidya K G and Liu X (2007) "Is China's Manufacturing Sector Becoming More High-Tech? Evidence on Shifts in Comparative Advantage, 1987 - 2005", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 18, No 8, pp 1000-1021.
Bennett D J with Fleury A C and Gregory M G (2007) "The Future of Manufacturing", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 18, No 8, pp 909-911.
Bennett D J with Cheng J (2007) "Success Strategies in the Chinese Chemical Industry: A Survey and Case Study Investigations", Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Vol 5, No 2, pp 91-112.
Bennett D J with Tan B L (2007) "Development and Application of an Electronic-Manufacturing Selection Framework for SMEs", International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol 4, No 3, pp 241-265.
Bennett D J with Decter M and Leseure M (2007) "University to Business Technology Transfer - UK and USA Comparisons", Technovation, Vol 27, No 3, pp 145-155.
Bennett D J with Karvinen K (2006) "Enhancing Performance Through the Introduction of Customer Orientation into the Building Components Industry", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol 55, No 5, pp 400-422.
Bennett D J with Cheng J (2006) "Strategies for Performance Improvement in the Chinese Chemical Industry: Evidence from Case Study Investigations", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol 1, No 2, pp 190-207.
Bennett D J and Vaidya K G (2005) "Meeting Technology Needs of Enterprises for National Competitiveness", International Journal of Technology Management Vol 32, No 1/2, pp 112-153.
Bennett D J with Greasley A and Greasley K (2004) "A Virtual Learning Environment for Operations Management: Assessing the student's perspective", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 24, No 10, pp 974-993.
Bennett D J with Bay B K and Tang N K H (2004) "An Empirical Study of the Imperatives for a Supply Chain Implementation Project in Seagate Technology", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol 9, No 4, pp 331-340.
Bennett D J and Zhao H Y (2004) "International Technology Transfer: Perceptions and Reality of Quality and Reliability", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 15, No 5, pp 410-415.
Bennett D J with Hipkin I (2003) "Managerial Perceptions of Factors Influencing Technology Management in South Africa", Technovation, Vol 23, No 9, pp 719-735.
Bennett D J (2003) "Agile or Adaptable? Finding a Paradigm for an Uncertain World", International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, Vol 6, No 2, pp 11-22.
Bennett D J with Bruun P (2002) "Transfer of Technology to China: A Scandinavian and European Perspective", European Management Journal, Vol 20, No 1, pp 98-106.
Bennett D J with Drejer A and Sohal A (2002) "Impacts and Relationships Between Three Evolving Disciplines", International Journal of Technology Management, Vol 23, No 1/2/3, pp 2-20.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G, Zhao H and Brittan S (2001) "International Technology Transfer and Collaborative New Product Development: Evidence and a Case from the Machine Tool Industry", International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, pp 106 - 121.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (2001) "Benchmarking for Information Systems Management Using Issues Framework Studies: Content and Methodology", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol 8, No 5, pp 358-375.
Bennett D J, Liu X, Parker D, Steward F and Vaidya K G (2001) "Technology Transfer to China: A Study of Strategy in 20 EU Industrial Companies", International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 21, No. 1/2, pp 151-182.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (2000) "Information Systems Management Positions - A Market Perspective", Work Study, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp 275-284.
Bennett D J with Lee G L and Oakes I (2000) "Technological and Organisational Change in Small Manufacturing Companies: A Learning Organisation Perspective", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp 549-572.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G and Zhao H (1999) "Valuing Transferred Machine Tool Technology: Relating Value to Product Attributes and Preferences of Acquirers", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 19, Nos 5/6, pp 491-514.
Bennett D J with Katayama H (1999) "Agility, Adaptability and Leanness: A Comparison of Concepts and a Study of Practice", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 60/61, pp 43-51.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (1998) "Critical Success Factors for IS Executive Careers: Evidence from Case Studies", Computer Personnel, Vol 19, No 3, pp 34-54.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (1998) "Requisite IS Knowledge and Skills Construct: A Survey", Computer Personnel, Vol 19, No 1, pp 3-19.
Bennett D J, Zhao H, Vaidya K G and Wang X M (1997) "Transferring Manufacturing Technology to China: Supplier Perceptions and Acquirer Expectations", Integrated Manufacturing Systems - The International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 8, No 5, pp 283-29.
Bennett D J with Zhao H, Vaidya K G and Wang X M (1997) "Perceptions on the Transfer of Technology to China: A Survey of British Companies", Technology Management: Strategies and Applications, Vol 3, No 3, pp 241-259.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G, Wang X M and Zhu F (1997) "Technology Transfer and Chinese Government Policy: Opportunities and Implications for Business", Technology Management: Strategies and Applications, Vol 3, No 2, pp 95-108.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G, Zhao H and Wang X M (1997) "Technology Transfer to the China Machine Tool Industry: The Need for a Technology Valuation Model", Industry and Higher Education, Vol 11, No 1, pp 35-39.
Bennett D J with Ahmed J U (1996) "Reliability Management of Machine Tool Technology: A Case Study of Current Practice", International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol 11, No 5/6, pp 383-408.
Bennett D J with Hewitt F and Robinson S L (1996) "Modelling and Benchmarking Business Processes: The Supply Line Example", Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology, Vol 3, No 2, pp 4-14.
Bennett D J with Katayama H (1996) "Lean Production in a Changing Competitive World: A Japanese Perspective", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 16, No 2, pp 8-24.
Bennett D J and Vaidya K G (1996) "How Much is Technology Worth?", Guest Editorial in Technology Strategies, No 125, July/August, pp 3-4.
Bennett D J and Zhao H (1996) "China's Fast Growing Market for Technology", China-Britain Trade Review, April, pp 10-11.
Bennett D J with Zhu F, Wang X M and Vaidya K G (1995) "Technology Transfer Under China's Economic Reforms: Business Environment and Success Factors", Technology Management, Vol 2, No 1, pp 2-17.
Bennett D J (1995) "Technology and Taoism", Guest Editorial in Technology Strategies, No 112, April, pp 3-3.
Bennett D J and Zhao H (1995) "Changing Stance on Technology Transfer", China-Britain Trade Review, April, pp 8-9.
Bennett D J and Forrester P L (1994) “Product Variety and Just-in-Time: Conflict and Challenge”, International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 73-80.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S, Alamino R and Brem A (2023) "An Introduction to Product Essentiality: Conceptualisation and Measurement", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management (published online 18 pp)
Bennett D J with Driouchi T, Chen M, Lyu J and So R (2022) "Ambiguity, Managerial Ability and Growth Options", British Journal of Management, Vol 33, No 3, pp 1123-1660.
Bennett D J with Julkovski D J, Sehnem S and Leseure M (2021) "Ecological Modernization Theory (EMT): Antecedents and Successors", Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management Vol 5, No2, pp 324–338.
Bennett D J with Gao Y and Driouchi T (2018) "Ambiguity Aversion in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Contingent-Claims and Social Network Explanation", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 200, pp 50-67.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S, Alamino R and Shaw D (2016) "Modelling Sustainability Performance to Achieve Absolute Reductions in Socio-ecological Systems", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 132, pp 32-44.
Bennett D J with Soosay C, Nunes B T S, Sohal A, Jabar J and Winroth M (2016) "Strategies for Sustaining Manufacturing Competitiveness: Comparative Case Studies in Australia and Sweden", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 27, No 1, pp 6-37.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S and Shaw D (2016) "Green Operations Strategy of a Luxury Car Manufacturer", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management , Vol 28, No 1, pp 24-39.
Bennett D J (2015) "Os Projetos de Aquisição na Indústria Automotiva - Casos Volvo-Geely e Fiat-Tritec" (Acquisition Projects in the Automotive Industry - The Cases of Volvo-Geely and Fiat-Tritec), Revista MundoPM-Project Management, Vol 11, No 63, pp 36-41 (Published in Portuguese).
Bennett D J with Theodorakopoulos N and Sanchez Preciado D J (2014) "Intermediation for Technology Diffusion and User Innovation in a Developing Rural Economy: A Social Learning Perspective", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Vol 26, Nos 7-8, pp 645-662.
Bennett D J with Theodorakopoulos N, McGowan C, Kakabadse N and Figueira C (2014) "Diversifying into Technical Clothing Manufacture as Entrepreneurial Learning: A Situated Learning Theory Perspective", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 25, No 5, pp 676-693.
Bennett D J (2014) "Future Challenges for Manufacturing", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 25, No 1, pp 2-6.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S and Marques S (2014) "Sustainable Agricultural Production: An Investigation in Brazilian Semi-Arid Livestock Farms", Journal of Cleaner Production,Vol 64, No 1, pp 414-425.
Bennett D J (2013) "Tutorial on How to Publish in a Refereed Journal", Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, Vol 8, No 1, pp 1-65.
Bennett D J with Chen W S (2013) "Gaining Social Values of Wireless Technology: An Interpretive Case Study in the Healthcare Institutional Context", International Journal of Information Management, Vol 33, No 5, pp 802-809.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S and Shaw D (2013) "8 Steps for Managing Green Innovation in the Automotive Industry", The European Financial Review, June-July, pp 3-6.
Bennett D J (2013) "Tracking the Trends in Manufacturing Technology Management", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 24, No 1, pp 5-8.
Bennett D J with Theodorakopoulos N and Sanchez Preciado D J (2012) "Transferring Technology from University to Rural Industry within a Developing Country Context: The Case for Nurturing Communities of Practice”, Technovation, Vol 32, Nos 9/10, pp 550–559.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T (2012) "Real Options in Management and Organisational Strategy: A Review of Decision-Making and Performance Implications", International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol 14, No 1, pp 39–62.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T (2011) "Real Options in Multinational Decision-Making: Managerial Awareness and Risk Implications", Journal of World Business, Vol 46, No 2, pp 205–219.
Bennett D J with Chen W S (2010) "When Cost-Efficient Technologies Meet Politics: A Case Study of Radical Wireless Network Implementation", Communications of the IBIMA, Vol 2010, ID119470, 12 pp.
Bennett D J with Chen W S (2010) "Managing Wireless Networks in the Healthcare Sector: Emerging Experiences of Cultural Impacts", Journal of e-Health Management, Vol 2010, ID500498, 11 pp.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S (2010) "Green Operations Initiatives in the Automotive Industry: An Environmental Reports Analysis and Benchmarking Study", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol 17, No 3, pp 396-420.
Bennett D J with Dey P K and Clegg B T (2010) "Managing Enterprise Resource Planning Projects”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol 16, No 2, pp 282-296.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T and Simpson G A (2010) "A Path Dependent Contingent-Claims Approach to Capacity Investments", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 201, No1, pp 319-323.
Bennett D J with Abd Rahman A (2009) "Advanced Manufacturing Technology Adoption in Developing Countries: The Role of Buyer-Supplier Relationships", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 20, No 8, pp 1099-1118.
Bennett D J with Leseure M and Hurreeram D (2009) "Playing Catch-up with China: Challenges and Strategies for Smaller Developing Countries", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol 21, No 5, pp 617-637.
Bennett D J with Dey P K, Ho W and Albores P (2009) "Technology and Business Integration", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol 21, No 5,
pp 583-586.
Bennett D J with Abd Rahman A and Brookes N (2009) "The Precursors and Impacts of BSR on AMT Acquisition and Implementation", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol 56, No 2, pp 285-297.
Bennett D J with Driouchi T and Leseure M (2009) "A Robustness Framework for Monitoring Real Options Under Uncertainty", OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, Vol 37, No 3, pp 698-710.
Bennett D J with Abd Rahman A and Sohal A (2009) "Transaction Attributes and Buyer-Supplier Relationships in AMT Acquisition and Implementation: The Case of Malaysia", International Journal of Production Research, Vol 47, No 9, pp 2257–2278.
Bennett D J with Nunes B T S (2008) "The Contribution of Modularity to Green Operations Practices", Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 5, No 2, pp 93-108.
Bennett D J with Jain V and Benyoucef L (2008) "Emerging Issues in Management of Networked Manufacturing Enterprises", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 19, No 4, pp 425-429.
Bennett D J with Vaidya K G and Liu X (2007) "Is China's Manufacturing Sector Becoming More High-Tech? Evidence on Shifts in Comparative Advantage, 1987 - 2005", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 18, No 8, pp 1000-1021.
Bennett D J with Fleury A C and Gregory M G (2007) "The Future of Manufacturing", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 18, No 8, pp 909-911.
Bennett D J with Cheng J (2007) "Success Strategies in the Chinese Chemical Industry: A Survey and Case Study Investigations", Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Vol 5, No 2, pp 91-112.
Bennett D J with Tan B L (2007) "Development and Application of an Electronic-Manufacturing Selection Framework for SMEs", International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol 4, No 3, pp 241-265.
Bennett D J with Decter M and Leseure M (2007) "University to Business Technology Transfer - UK and USA Comparisons", Technovation, Vol 27, No 3, pp 145-155.
Bennett D J with Karvinen K (2006) "Enhancing Performance Through the Introduction of Customer Orientation into the Building Components Industry", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol 55, No 5, pp 400-422.
Bennett D J with Cheng J (2006) "Strategies for Performance Improvement in the Chinese Chemical Industry: Evidence from Case Study Investigations", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol 1, No 2, pp 190-207.
Bennett D J and Vaidya K G (2005) "Meeting Technology Needs of Enterprises for National Competitiveness", International Journal of Technology Management Vol 32, No 1/2, pp 112-153.
Bennett D J with Greasley A and Greasley K (2004) "A Virtual Learning Environment for Operations Management: Assessing the student's perspective", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 24, No 10, pp 974-993.
Bennett D J with Bay B K and Tang N K H (2004) "An Empirical Study of the Imperatives for a Supply Chain Implementation Project in Seagate Technology", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol 9, No 4, pp 331-340.
Bennett D J and Zhao H Y (2004) "International Technology Transfer: Perceptions and Reality of Quality and Reliability", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 15, No 5, pp 410-415.
Bennett D J with Hipkin I (2003) "Managerial Perceptions of Factors Influencing Technology Management in South Africa", Technovation, Vol 23, No 9, pp 719-735.
Bennett D J (2003) "Agile or Adaptable? Finding a Paradigm for an Uncertain World", International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, Vol 6, No 2, pp 11-22.
Bennett D J with Bruun P (2002) "Transfer of Technology to China: A Scandinavian and European Perspective", European Management Journal, Vol 20, No 1, pp 98-106.
Bennett D J with Drejer A and Sohal A (2002) "Impacts and Relationships Between Three Evolving Disciplines", International Journal of Technology Management, Vol 23, No 1/2/3, pp 2-20.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G, Zhao H and Brittan S (2001) "International Technology Transfer and Collaborative New Product Development: Evidence and a Case from the Machine Tool Industry", International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, pp 106 - 121.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (2001) "Benchmarking for Information Systems Management Using Issues Framework Studies: Content and Methodology", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol 8, No 5, pp 358-375.
Bennett D J, Liu X, Parker D, Steward F and Vaidya K G (2001) "Technology Transfer to China: A Study of Strategy in 20 EU Industrial Companies", International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 21, No. 1/2, pp 151-182.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (2000) "Information Systems Management Positions - A Market Perspective", Work Study, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp 275-284.
Bennett D J with Lee G L and Oakes I (2000) "Technological and Organisational Change in Small Manufacturing Companies: A Learning Organisation Perspective", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp 549-572.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G and Zhao H (1999) "Valuing Transferred Machine Tool Technology: Relating Value to Product Attributes and Preferences of Acquirers", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 19, Nos 5/6, pp 491-514.
Bennett D J with Katayama H (1999) "Agility, Adaptability and Leanness: A Comparison of Concepts and a Study of Practice", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 60/61, pp 43-51.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (1998) "Critical Success Factors for IS Executive Careers: Evidence from Case Studies", Computer Personnel, Vol 19, No 3, pp 34-54.
Bennett D J with Shi N S (1998) "Requisite IS Knowledge and Skills Construct: A Survey", Computer Personnel, Vol 19, No 1, pp 3-19.
Bennett D J, Zhao H, Vaidya K G and Wang X M (1997) "Transferring Manufacturing Technology to China: Supplier Perceptions and Acquirer Expectations", Integrated Manufacturing Systems - The International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 8, No 5, pp 283-29.
Bennett D J with Zhao H, Vaidya K G and Wang X M (1997) "Perceptions on the Transfer of Technology to China: A Survey of British Companies", Technology Management: Strategies and Applications, Vol 3, No 3, pp 241-259.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G, Wang X M and Zhu F (1997) "Technology Transfer and Chinese Government Policy: Opportunities and Implications for Business", Technology Management: Strategies and Applications, Vol 3, No 2, pp 95-108.
Bennett D J, Vaidya K G, Zhao H and Wang X M (1997) "Technology Transfer to the China Machine Tool Industry: The Need for a Technology Valuation Model", Industry and Higher Education, Vol 11, No 1, pp 35-39.
Bennett D J with Ahmed J U (1996) "Reliability Management of Machine Tool Technology: A Case Study of Current Practice", International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol 11, No 5/6, pp 383-408.
Bennett D J with Hewitt F and Robinson S L (1996) "Modelling and Benchmarking Business Processes: The Supply Line Example", Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology, Vol 3, No 2, pp 4-14.
Bennett D J with Katayama H (1996) "Lean Production in a Changing Competitive World: A Japanese Perspective", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 16, No 2, pp 8-24.
Bennett D J and Vaidya K G (1996) "How Much is Technology Worth?", Guest Editorial in Technology Strategies, No 125, July/August, pp 3-4.
Bennett D J and Zhao H (1996) "China's Fast Growing Market for Technology", China-Britain Trade Review, April, pp 10-11.
Bennett D J with Zhu F, Wang X M and Vaidya K G (1995) "Technology Transfer Under China's Economic Reforms: Business Environment and Success Factors", Technology Management, Vol 2, No 1, pp 2-17.
Bennett D J (1995) "Technology and Taoism", Guest Editorial in Technology Strategies, No 112, April, pp 3-3.
Bennett D J and Zhao H (1995) "Changing Stance on Technology Transfer", China-Britain Trade Review, April, pp 8-9.
Bennett D J and Forrester P L (1994) “Product Variety and Just-in-Time: Conflict and Challenge”, International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 73-80.